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This service was instituted by "Circular-Ordinance of the k.k. Post- and Telegraph-Direction for Austria under the Enns, No 6: Vienna, 8. June 1887 [No 24320 of 1887]: Express Delivery of pneumatic correspondence outside the pneumatic area in the Viennese Postal Area." which is reproduced at the bottom of this page. In translation it says:
From 1st June 1887, consequent upon §2444 of the gracious Decree of the k.k. Minister of Trade dated 6th May 1887, pneumatic correspondence which is handed in to the pneumatic system for an address outside the area of the pneumatic network, but within the Vienna Local Postal Area [see below], shall be placed in a cover (Post Office Ref 776) and entrusted to a Post Office for conveyance as an express letter and delivery as such by a delivery office within the Vienna Local Postal Area, provided the delivery address lies within that office's delivery area. For addresses outside the office's delivery area the item is to be delivered as for ordinary letters.
With the introduction of the above-mentioned Decree, Ärarisch Offices [ie those owned by the state and run by its employees], which deliver telegrams for a standard fee of 4kr each, shall receive the same fee for the express delivery of this correspondence; non-ärarisch Offices [which were owned by a private person, often hereditary, who employed the staff him or herself] shall receive a fee of 6kr.
The settlement of these fees takes place "zur R.XVI", that is, by the ärarisch Offices in the same way as for telegrams; but for the non-ärarisch Offices by means of a Consignation (Post Office Form 170) [see below], which is to be accompanied by the delivery note from the pneumatic Office (Post Office Form 169) listing the items handed over.
Vienna, 26th May 1887.
["zur R.XVI" is a reference to the form on which the invoice was submitted: the Post Office were carrying out a service for the Telegraph Office and required paying by them for it! It does not seem that the original poster had to pay this fee; indeed as he could post his missive in the recently-introduced red letter box, there is no mechanism for such payment. "R" may stand for "Rechnungswesen", the accounts and bills Department.]
However the 1888 edition of Post Office Form 170 has been found, and is for German-Slovenian money-order-by-telegram! It does seem that forms were frequently renumbered, as well as changed. A specimen of the 1888 edition of the envelope "Post Office Form 776" has been discovered ("in a monstrous book"); it is middle-green. Note that it is *from* a Post Office, so must have been used at the transition from the Telegraph system to the separate (and fiercely independent) Postal system.
In a booklet entitled "Post-, Telegraphen-, Telephon- und Rohrpostdienst im Localpost-Rayon von Wien, April 1891", a list on page 1 gives the Offices within the Vienna Local Postal Area, in two tables: (A) Die Stadtbezirke I-X [the City Districts I to X], and (B) Die Ortschaften [the suburbs: some have Bezirk numbers, some do not - Bezirke 11-19 were incorporated into Vienna on 19.12.1890].
I. Innere Stadt | II. Leopoldstadt | III. Landstrasse | IV. Wieden | V. Margarethen |
VI. Mariahilf | VII. Neubau | VIII. Josefstadt | IX. Alsergrund | X. Favoriten |
Altmannsdorf [XII.] | Kahlenbergerdorf [XIX.] |
Baumgarten a. d. Wien [XIII.] | Laa (Ober- u. Unter-) |
Breitenlee | Lainz [XIII.] |
Breitensee [XIII.] | Leopoldau (Alt-) |
Döbling (Ober- und Unter-) [XIX.] | Lerchenfeld (Neu-) [XVI.] |
Donaufeld | Meidling (Ober- u. Unter-) [XII.] |
Dornbach [XVII.] | Neusteinhof |
Erlaa (Neu-) | Neustift a. Walde [XVIII.] |
Floridsdorf | Neuwaldegg [XVII.] |
Fünfhaus [XV.] | Nussdorf bei Wien [XIX.] |
Gaudenzdorf [XII.] | Ottakring [XVI.] |
Gersthof [XVIII.] | Penzing [XIII.] |
Grinzing [XIX.] | Pötzleinsdorf [XVIII.] |
Hacking [XIII.] | Roth-Neusiedl |
Heiligenstadt [XIX.] | Rudolfsheim [XIV.] |
Hernals [XVII.] | Salmannsdorf [XVIII.] |
Hetzendorf [XII.] | Schönbrunn [XIII.] |
Hietzing [XIII.] | Sechshaus [XIV.] |
Hirschstetten | Sievering (Ober- u. Unter-) [XIX.] |
Hütteldorf [XIII.] | Simmering [XI.] |
Inzersdorf a. Wienerberge | Speising [XIII.] |
Jedlersdorf (Gross-) | St. Veit (Ober- u. Unter-) [XIII.] |
Jedlesee | Stadlau |
Josephsdorf am Kahlenberge [XIX.] | Währing [XVIII.] |
Kagran | Weinhaus [XVIII.]. |
Expreß-Bestellung der pneumatischen Correspondenzen außerhalb der pneumatischen Anlage im Umfange des Wiener Stadtpostrayons
Von 1. Juni 1887 an sind im Sinne des hohen k.k. Handels-Ministerial-Erlasses vom 6. Mai 1887, §2444, pneumatische Correspondenzen, welche innerhalb der pneumatischen Anlage zur Aufgabe gelangen und an Adressaten außerhalb des Rayons des pneumatischen Rohrnetzes, jedoch innerhalb des Localpostrayons gerichtet sind, von den mit dem pneumatischen Dienste betrauten Aemtern unter Couvert (Drucksorte 776) als Expressbriefe der postalischen Weiterbeförderung zuzuführen, dieselben als solche weiterzubefördern und von den betreffenden Abgabs-Adreßämtern des Wiener Stadtpostrayons als Expreßbriefe zu bestellen, sofern sie für den Bestellungsbezirk derselben gehören. Für die außerhalb des Postbestellungsbezirk gelegenen Ortsbestimmungen sind derartige Correspondenzen wie gewöhnliche Briefpostsendungen zu bestellen.
Für die expresse Bestellung dieser Correspondenzen wurde mit dem Eingangs bezogenen hohen Erlasse den ärarischen Aemtern, sofern sie sich auch mit der Bestellung der Telegramme gegen ein Stückgeld von 4kr befassen, eine Gebühr in gleicher Höhe, den nichtärarischen Aemtern eine solche von 6kr (sechs Kreuzer) normirt.
Die Verrechnung dieser Gebühren findet zur R.XVI, und zwar bei den ärarischen Aemtern in der für die Depeschenbestellung giltigen Weise - bei den nichtärarischen Aemtern auf Grund einer Consignation (Drucksorte 170) statt, welche die mit derartigen pneumatischen Correspondenzen eingelangenden Begleitinstrumente der versendenden Aemter, das ist die Verzeichnisse, Drucksorte 169, als Belege in sich aufzunehmen hat.
Wien, am 26. Mai 1887.
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