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Censor markings on Rohrpost are normally found only on mail that was crossing the Austrian border
Express postcard to Riesa, Germany from St.Polten (near Wien) on Aug 31 1916, cancelled at 10:30am.
Transit cancel: Wien 1 central sorting office, where it was censored, marked "Zensuriert", & given the Rohrpost destination code "1".
It would have had to go via 1 - Telegrafen-Centrale although they didn't cancel it.
Transit cancel: 15 WIEN 101 (Westbahnhof) Sept 1 1916 at 2:20 pm; they put it on a train.
Arrival cancel: Riesa, Germany Sept 2 1916 at 1-2pm.
Express postcard to Amsterdam (Amsterdam receiving mark on back) from 18/1 WIEN 110 (Währing) on March 26 1918 at 10:30 am
Rohrpost destination code 101 ie Westbahnhof where it was censored and placed on a train.
Arrival cancel: Amsterdam, April 2 1918 ? 8-9am
Letter from the Poste-Restante office regarding a suspicious pneumatic card.
Original | Translation |
K.K. Postdirektion Abt Ib Zu Handen des Herrn O.P.R. Dr Blosch. Beiliegende Rohrpostkarte wird als verdächtig in Vorlage gebracht. Die näheren Einzelnheiten wurden bereits von H. Amts direktor Illing mitgeteilt. Wien, am 23/X 1914 Verabredung zu einer zusammenkunft! russische Sprache im ruthenischen Blas (a name) |
K.K. Postdirektion Dept Ib For the attention of Herr O.P.R. (Ober Post Rat) Dr. Blosch The enclosed Rohrpost card was found suspicious in the general collection. The finer details have already been provided by Herr office director Illing. Vienna, 23/10/1914 Appointment for a meeting! Russian language in Ruthenian Blas |
Express postcard from Trento, April 8 1918 at 8:00am
Arrival cancel: WIEN 59 (Mittelgasse), April 10 1918 at 9:20am
Express letter from Laibach (now in Slovenia), censored and cancelled Feb 10 1917
Transit cancel: 1 - Telegrafen-Centrale, Feb 11 1917 at 6:00pm
Arrival cancel 17/1 WIEN 105 (Hernals)
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